Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Canadice Lake

This year the fall foliage season has been a complete washout! It has rained and rained and rained. So when it stopped raining for a few hours today I figured I better dash out and test that new camera I just bought. I'm glad I did.

When people think of New York, they think of New York City. Boy would they be surprised if they had tagged along with me today. I headed out in the general direction of Canadice Lake. I drove mile after mile without coming across a single road sign. It was kind of nice heading out with no special designation and no certain time to be there except my gas gauge was precariously close to the E.

Posted by Picasa To visit Canadice Lake is to visit history. The really wonderful thing about Canadice Lake is there is no development around it and very limited boat traffic. It is the source for the city of Rochester's water supply and so the land surrounding the lake is owned by the city. Can you imagine just a few hundred year when all the Finger Lakes were undeveloped? No motorboats, no jet skis, no cottages, just peace and beauty?